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Make custom hyperlinks supported in Workfront Mobile App


Level 1


Description - In the Workfront mobile app, currently it is not possible to click on custom hyperlinks that have been created by users to allow them to open a new page and open the link in a new tab. When looking at the same item in the Workfront desktop view, the custom hyperlink is clickable and will open a new tab in the browser. On the app, the word 'link' simply appears but is not clickable and does not appear as a hyperlink


Why is this feature important to you - Users would like to be able to access custom hyperlinks on the mobile app. Users advise this is basic functionality and without it, it does not entice staff to make use of the mobile app.


How would you like the feature to work - The custom hyperlink should be saved as a clickable HTML link that will open a new tab to the hyperlink when clicked


Custom hyperlink example: https://www.figma.com/proto/y6WcwPgnOp48koUHFlwVVe/Ford?page-id=2147%3A86&type=design&node-id=2147-2...


Screenshot attached with a marker signifying where the hyperlink is