Description - Make a Custom Reminder Notification a default that can be set for New Tasks in the Group Tasks & Requests Preferences
Why is this feature important to you - I created a custom email notification to send to a task assignee if they miss completing their task on time. It works great, but I have to manually add it to each ad hoc task my group creates. I have a scheduled report sent to me every morning to add the missing reminder notifications, which is tedious. If I could set this as a default, I wouldn't have to check the 800-1,000 tasks every day to make sure the reminder is there. I don't have a back-up for this process either, so if I'm out of the office, it just doesn't get added and people miss their late tasks.
How would you like the feature to work - Have the option to customize my Group's task settings in the "New Task Defaults: When I create a new task, set the..."
Task Settings > Reminder notifications > 'custom notification'
Current Behavior - Task Settings are not currently available to customize in the Group Tasks & Requests Preferences