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Lock requests once converted to a project


Level 4


Description - Once a request is converted to a project and assigned, it would be helpful if there was an option to "lock" the original request. 


Why is this feature important to you - Often, those who request projects add updates or documents to the original request versus the project and forget to @ whoever they are trying to communicate with, and those comments or documents are missed. 


How would you like the feature to work - Once converted, the request is locked (automatically would be preferred) but could also include an option for System Admins or Project Managers to unlock or make a change if necessary. 


Current Behaviour - I have found a workaround for this within the dashboard (removing the link to the request) but it is much too easy for requesters to click on "Requests" and then click the original request, which then leads to the original issue. 





This idea is currently being investigated by the Workfront Product Management team. An official response will be provided by the end of May. Thanks for your patience!


@Kasey-G @BlakeCo @jessicac_VG @Matt_McC @CalvinFold @Heather_Kulbacki @MegSault @ElenaDooley @LB103 @Kundanism 


Status changed to: Investigating


Level 10


@jon_chen This is required with such option "How would you like the feature to work - Once converted, the request is locked (automatically would be preferred) but could also include an option for System Admins or Project Managers to unlock or make a change if necessary. "