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Inline Editing of Condition Update via Report


Level 10


Project managers typically manage multiple projects, and report on status weekly. We have a report built to display all of the relevant information from all of their owned projects. Certain items can be edited from that report, but not the condition/condition update. It would help our PMs to have the option to do this from within the report.

1 Comment


Level 1


Good news! We are working on this as a part of a larger enhancement for Custom Conditions. With the release of that enhancement, anyone who has rights to edit a Task will be able to edit the Task Condition as well.

I do want to call out that only people assigned to a Task will see the condition field from within the updates input box. But, other users with edit rights will be able to edit the Condition from a Task list. That can be on the Tasks tab of a Project or a Task report. You just need to include the Condition column and you will be able to click in-line and edit the Condition.

Likewise, Project Condition can be changed in a list of Projects by including the Condition column. You can also set the Project Condition from the Edit Project screen. *You must set a project Condition Type to Manual in order to change the Condition manually*.

Since this is being done as a part of another enhancement from the Idea Exchange, I will soon merge this idea with that other now parent idea. Here is a link to that idea where all future communication for this enhancement will take place: https://experience.workfront.com/s/idea/0870z000000PSPTAA4/detail