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Improve Custom forms functionality when adding new fields to a form.


Level 5


Editing/Updating custom forms is incredibly slow and clunky, especially when trying to add new options. We need a better way to update custom forms!

One idea would be to add an option to the form that says something like "insert field here" so it adds the field exactly where I want it instead of having to manually drag the field as it automatically gets added to the bottom of the form.



Level 7


I talked to Alana about this, and we agreed this would be a great idea! We have some custom forms that have over 200 fields, and dragging around fields just isn't efficient for us.


Level 7


You can insert it right where you want it rather than let it automatically drop it at the end. Just drag the field type option you want onto the form in the place you want. From there you can enter the details for it.