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Have a hidden value on form fields to assign the fields to groups.


Level 5


We need the ability to assign form fields to groups or give it a value that is hidden from the form user. Having to name fields with special codes that our form users see is very frustrating.



Level 3


I've had similar situation with needing specific fields on an object for reporting purposes and couldn't give visibility into the data by my users. Ended up re-organizing the project custom form into separate sections. Edit the Custom Form and create a Section Break within your custom form. In the additional settings section in order to view or edit that section the use must have Manage Only access. Then grant access to that project to a specific team and/or group.


Level 5


Our issue is that we have a few groups making forms AND many forms needing the same fields such as "due date". Having to write "HQ Due Date for Video" is not user-friendly at all for end users. Having every field start with HQ just does not make sense for a user.

I was surprised that during the Workfront conference three speakers talked about naming fields with codes to manage them better, to me, this screams bad user interface if that many speakers discuss the same workaround.