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Fusion: scenario queues: allow custom Views


Community Advisor


When there are a lot of items in a scenario's queue due to a user trigging the scenario multiple times there should be a way to customize the view of the queue list.

If the scenario has actually stopped I have the opportunity to compare the details of each item in the queue and remove duplicates, but finding those duplicates is difficult when I need to go into each one.

In the instance on 6/27/2022 where event subscriptions were delayed I had people trying to trigger events multiple times so I went into Fusion and turned a couple scenarios off so that I would have a chance to review those queues when the delay was over. Once scenario had 56 issues to be converted to projects by Fusion, but the scenario's queue had 93 items listed due to users triggering the scenario multiple times. Finding those duplicate IDs was a challenge, if I could create a view that showed the New State: ID in a column, dups would be easier to identify