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Export Execution History from Fusion


Level 3


Description - We want to be able to export info from fusion, specifically the scenario history tab.

Why is this feature important to you - We want to use this info to calculate time saved via fusion automations.

How would you like the feature to work - There would be an "export" button that would let you export the history into an excel sheet, similarly to other reports in Workfront.

Current Behaviour - No reporting options exist.



Level 10




You could achieve this using the following workaround by utilizing the API of Fusion: 


From there you could process the data to a CSV, textfile, Google / Excel Sheet, ....

I hope this helps.





Level 2



Thank you! This is incredibly helpful!


A couple questions: Are there two headers? And do those headers need values? Like this:

  1. Header: Authorization
    Value: <blank>
  2. Header: Token
    Value: (copied token)


Also, could you walk me through the data process module? I'd love to export it as an excel document. 





Level 10


Hello Christine,


I went through it and for the authorization only one header is mandatory:



Don't be surprised about the URL (app-eu.workfrontfusion...). Our instance runs on a European server.

Concerning the data processing you will need to parse the JSON coming from the HTTP request and fill your Excel sheet. Unfortunately we don't have a connector to Excel set up, but I propably can have a look on how to do that using the CSV module later.



Level 1



This is a great option! I spoke with Adobe Workfront support and they stated that this Fusion API is not published so documentation is not readily available. I was wondering if anyone knew how to paginate thru the results of these API calls. Seems like there is an object on the JSON results at the end showing a "limit" for amount of records returned (as shown below). Wondering if anyone knows what the parameter would be to either select a "pg" value or "limit" value.

Example call: GET https://app.workfrontfusion.com/api/v2/scenarios/<scenarioId>/logs

Example response:
    "scenarioLogs": [
    "pg": {



Level 1


After reviewing the undocumented Workfront Fusion API (https://app.workfrontfusion.com), I have found a way to make calls to this API using the same logic that the Fusion Scenario and History page is gathering data. 

  • To retrieve all scenarios via their API, the base call uses the endpoint: 
    • /api/v2/scenarios 
    • using a query string:
      • "?teamId=" + WORKFRONT_FUSION_TEAM_ID + "&pg%5Blimit%5D=10000"
  • To retrieve executions of a scenario (the initial 50 records) via their API, the base call uses the endpoint: 
    • /api/v2/scenarios/[scenario_id]/logs
  • To retrieve executions of a scenario (an additional 50 records) via their API, the base call uses the endpoint: 
    • /api/v2/scenarios/[scenario_id]/logs
    • using a query string:
      • "?pg%5Blimit%5D=50&pg%5Blast%5D=" + intervalLastRecordId" 
      • with the intervalLastRecordId being captured in previous api call

Once we have all records needed, we can filter base on any criteria we want to use, as long as we are capturing that data in any of the API calls mentioned above.



