Custom Forms: Custom fields populated from lookup of (internal/external) data source
It would greatly enhance usability for both admins and general users if it were possible to create a Typeahead or Dropdown lists that reference internal-to-Workront sources (i.e. csv file uploaded as a Document? an admin-controlled table?) or external data source like gSheet or database. When the user chooses a value from a custom field from multi-choice options presented, the selected value should be used to start a query that looks up related values and returns them in either read-only fields or to another field presenting a subset of list of options (e.g. dropdown or typeahead)
Example 1 - Read Only fields returned:
If you have a Typeahead field on a form called "State". User types in string "CA" and the field looks up the external datasource column for State to populate typeahead suggestions
User Gets typeahead suggestions of "California", "N. Carolina", "S. Carolina"... & selects "California".
This executes a query to a "geo" database using California as search parameter to return the related values for Country and Continent.
The following 3 fields are populated on the form:
State: California
Country: USA
Continent: N. America
Example 2: Custom Dropdown list gets narrowed down by a selection in a previous custom field
User chooses from one dropdown list called "Color Family" the value Blue
In a subsequent dropdown list that contains a super-set of all colors, only the following values are presented as options:
- Sky
- Azure
- Teal
- Navy
- Cerulean
- Cobalt
- Turquoise
In other words, when presenting dropdown list values, the list would dynamically suppress any values in the big list that aren't associated with the Color Family, Blue.
The relationships between color families and colors would be defined in some table internal or external to Workfront.