We don't worry about the time of due dates. We've always looked at end of the day as the deadline. Yes, sometimes we have to stay late to get it done on time. Now we have Workfront (in our 4th month) and the planned completion date has a time portion, which has cause some issues for us.
- Tracking On Time delivery, even 3 minutes past is considered late. We only worry about it going out on the date it was requested due. (We've worked around this with a custom field on a report, using the "cleartime" function, to get accurate reporting for our needs)
- We have two teams, one in Minnesota and one in Chile. We have a lot of issues with tasks and time off sliding up or down a day on the schedule because of the time zone difference. Makes for a scheduling nightmare! (we can work around this by setting every project and task due date to be ie. 5pm, but that's yet another tiny detail for our PM's to have to not forget)
We'd rather not have to work around these issues. Could there be a global setting to "clear time" on all projects, tasks and issues?