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Customizable downloads from the Project Details section


Level 2


Description -

Why is this feature important to you - this would be great to down a custom form without creating a report to do so in some cases. In  one instance I created a form to be used with  some of our printers. It is now being used currently and now they need to go to the reports and pull pull from it. 

How would you like the feature to work - I would love to have the option to download as a pdf or excel sheet and also landscape or portrait to fit content on a page.  This would be less click by users and staying with the Project Export details.JPG

Current Behaviour - I've created a report to pull the info down. Downloading as is created multiple pages



Level 4


We have been struggling with the print capabilities of tickets for our printing staff that need a physical ticket to move jobs around our print shop. Even though we have a form for them, it prints on multiple pages because we cannot configure it and it always forces us to have the header page. We would love to have a more customizable option. 


How would you like this feature to work:

  • Allow the person who creates the form the ability to create a printable version of the form and then set the default. A tool that allows you to select how a form is viewed in Workfront versus how it would print. 
  • Option to not have the report title page appear in the pdf which will save us time. Basically, make this an option to select or deselect.
  • Option to choose a compact printable view that would condense the amount of content that would print on the page. It currently pushes the form to multiple pages. 
  • Option to have the ticket open in pdf without needing to download it. This would be a print preview option that would allow printing from that view. We had this type of functionality in a previous system we used and it saved steps.