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Custom Forms: Allow for more than 500 fields in a Custom Form


Level 10


Description - Allow more than 500 fields in a custom form

Why is this feature important to you - We currently have a form in use that is near 490 fields and we are unable to scale this form any further to be able to add additional tracking fields for new business scenarios. We currently have a work around where we create a secondary form that pulls down fields from the almost maxed out form and created new additional fields to support scenarios. This is not ideal as it creates a longer scroll for our users with data be replicated in 2 places and it creates another layer to manage at the admin level. If we had the ability to have more fields this work around would be completely eliminated from our current process.

How would you like the feature to work - Increase the quantity allowed on a custom form to 1000 or allow an infinite number of fields

Current Behaviour - Current limit is 500 fields



Linking old idea for other uses: https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/workfront-ideas/custom-forms-need-more-fields/idi-p...