Imagine I have a task called inspect widget. This task will take place over the course of a few days and will all be performed by the same person. This task involves checking the size, color, and electrical performance of the widget. Today I could create a task grouping and make three separate tasks, but that is both ugly and confusing. It would also grow the size of the project which affects display performance.
What I envision is a checklist like capability where you could optionally tie each item in the checklist to a % completion of the total task. For example, size might be 25% of the task, color 10% and electric 65%. Checking each item off would drive completion of the task.
This functionality would allow for greatly simplified project plans that still have good details as to what steps are needed to complete a task.
Bonus points if we could create a way to drive predecessors off of checklist items as well as the task.