Description - When attempting to mark a Project Complete and there is an open issue or task, popup should at minimum list the task/issue stopping the project from being marked complete. Step better would be why the task/issue is not complete if due to missing approvals, bad dates, or anything else definable.
Why is this feature important to you - Just wasted time trying to get close a project. First, all tasks were marked 100% and standard view does not include status so wasted time looking for a task not complete but 100%. Second, once the task was found I could not update the status because it was "Calculated by System", but all subtasks were complete and 100%. Waste more time looking through experience league for what could be stopping, try a number of suggestions with no results. Come to find out Planned start and end dates cannot be the same. Update dates to fixed because ASAP is not changing them. Still the parent task remains open. Thinking I have not found what is stopping the status update continue to waste time looking for more suggestions. Circle back to the dates and force time recalculation, things start working. Could have saved time if the popup notification just stated X task is not complete - Dates/Timeline error or message that is stopping the system.
How would you like the feature to work - Keep the current popup when attempting to complete a project, but add details
Current Behavior - Popup only states project cannot be marked complete with open tasks or issues.