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Allow for admin level organization of Report Folders


Level 2


Currently, WF administrators have no way of establishing an organization level structure for reports. Only individual users can specify their own organizational structure for reports. There are TOO many reports for individual users to know what is or isn't important unless specifically told to favorite specific reports.

It would save a lot of everyone's time if administrators had the ability to organize reports into shareable folders to groups of users or an entire instance.

True you can circumvent the need by putting specific reports on dashboards, but that's not the issue at hand. This targets making reporting for accessible.



A couple of suggestions for improving the overall experience when it comes to report folders:

1. It would be great if we had the ability to click multiple reports to drag in to a folder at one time.

2. Every time I drag a report to a folder, the page/site reloads and takes me to the folder I dragged a report in to. This kind of goes with being able to drag multiple reports at once to a folder, but it is annoying to constantly have to click to go back to all my reports, drag a report to a folder, then be taken to the designated folder, then have to click back to the "My Reports" section, repeatedly.

My team often uses the same set of reports for various tasks. It would be great to set a folder with related reports and share the folder instead of each person on the team having to create their own folder. Currently, folders can only be made with your own reports and I need to make duplicates of reports in order to have all necessary reports under a particular folder. This creates redundancy and risk that my report would not be up to date if the other user updates their copy of the report.

It would be great to treat reports like files so they can be moved and shared amongst multiple users if needed.


Can I vote for this 30 times? This and that the folders can be shared. So I can give all my utilization reports in 1 share versus sharing each individual report and they have to make their own folder.


Level 2


This is by far THE most frustrating lack of functionality that I've experience to date and something which I find severely flawed. I've so far managed to drag one report into a folder and the experience is awful. It simply doesn't work - I've been clicking and dragging over and over and managed to do it ONCE. Then when I'd succeeded, I get taken into the opened folder! I don't want to do that - I want to be able to drag and drop single and/or multiple reports into my folders, so that I can organise them without having to resort to filters.

Until this is fixed, frankly it's an utterly redundant function

@Andrea DiMauro-Walton how do users create their own folders? Is this based on license type? I would love users to be able to do that instead of me creating folders that only gives them groups of reports in a long list.


Community Advisor


I went in here to submit the same idea, and saw it's here. Yes please! Even with creating your own report folders, they are only visible to yourself. I really want report folders visible to/shared with admins. For our use case, our instance supports mannnyyy Groups and some reports are global and some are Group-specific. Though we put the Group name in reports to help distinguish, it's not enough. Want to separate them in folders.