Add Proof to all Sandbox Environments (Preview and separate test environments). It would be extremely helpful to have the ability to test Proof workflows and functionality with users in a test environment.
Yes, please add Proofing to the Sandbox Environment. I want to test a scenario in Workfront with "Auto-Provision Users" disabled (for single sign-on). I want to see how this affects the provisioning of users between Workfront and Workfront Proof and I don't want to be testing in the production environment that our customers are in.
I agree. Not having proof in sandbox environments is a huge limitation. We would like to test specific scenarios involving proof in the environments we get to decide when to refresh and without affecting production!
Not having proofing in sandbox environments is completely ridiculous. It is in preview but that wipes out every week. This totally handicaps just about every team who is wanting to do any type of work that would involve any sort of proofing.