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Ability to log time in days vs. hours


Level 10


The ability to log time in days vs. hours. We have billable resources that need to record their time in hours but we have executives that track days worked (in order to log out of office time). We do not want them to have to log their time in hours. Additionally, we interface with PeopleSoft for payroll and they track days worked vs. hours. We currently have to do a manual conversion from hours to days to align the two. It would be great if the tool was flexible enough to switch between hours and days depending on the resource. Additionally, it would be great if we could enter in business rules to convert hours to days for the folks who log their time in hours so they don't have to enter their time twice (in hours for billing and days for payroll).

1 Comment


Level 1


We are also very interested to log time in days (instead of hours) because of the law in France (work time has to be followed in days)


- Having the same timesheets screen as today (same features) but instead of putting HOURS in cells, putting DAYS (0.25 or 0.5 or 0.1 for example)

- At the validation of the timesheets by the user the system will multiply by a parameter ("number of HOURS per DAY" : 8 for example) to have informations logged in the system as if th timesheets would have been done by HOURS (to be able to use all the system !)

- When a user will go back to the timesheets screen the informations would be showned in DAYS (not in HOURS)

This is urgent for France country because we will be probably not able to go on using the tool if we are not able to log time in DAYS

Best Regards