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Workfront Project document automation using fusion


Level 1

We are working on a POC where we would like to automate document movement between tasks in workfront project. For example if one assignee(say author or designer) has finished working on a task in a project & its associated document, that document should further auto link to another task assignee(say reviewer or approver) so that they can start work on it & document automation goes on in same way to next tasks as well.

We are in discovery phase/research phase for possible solutions around above POC. So want to check, if Workfront fusion helps in creating such automation through code programming or setting up workflow, etc.  Any suggestions/use case sharing would be appreciated.


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4 Replies


Community Advisor

A document can only exist on a single task at any one time as far as I'm aware, but you could for sure leverage fusion to move documents from one task to the next as required.


Level 1

Thanks @ChrisStephens for quick reply.

Also one more point is there any quick step guide available that you can share or point towards about fusion supporting document automation in Workfront.


Level 10

I have a fusion automation that moves documents from project to another and places into a folder. I'm sure if you added steps up front for a trigger as mine is just run manually every quarter to adjust what folder it goes into. 






Level 1

Thanks @KIMBERLYREA for your reply & details. Will keep things posted here