We have thousands of projects in our build that based on how we are using Workfront, are reopened, task template added and finalized over and over. In this sort of "evergreen" state, we occasionally have large numbers of the custom fields on these projects that need to be updated. Unfortunately, the updates are unique per project, not a single bulk edit. We already use Kickstart to import the projects (hundreds at a time), but is there a way to create something in Fusion that would allow us based on project id to be able to replace data in custom fields using Fusion? My thought is export the effected projects to spreadsheet, update and reimport the spreadsheet, calling out the field if needed or just overwriting all (if they were just exported).
--That's just my initial thought - there may be better ways to do this. Definitely open to any ideas.--
Any direction would be amazing. Thank you!
yes, we've done this using the Google Sheet connector. We used to run it as a regular job for a set of data that our finance team calculated. I've also used it to load a set of updates like you're describing.
here's an example
I think this is the documentation link that starts to walk through it: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/workfront/using/adobe-workfront-fusion/fusion-apps-and-modul...
I will give this a look - thank you!
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Do you still need help with this? I have a solve for this.
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I will always take solutions as it gives me options. Thank you Cris!
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I was making this way more complicated than it needed to be :). I thought you were referring to dynamically updating the custom form values for an existing custom form.
I think the easiest way to accomplish what you are trying to do would be to export the Projects to Excel or a CSV, then update the column(s) on the spreadsheet for the custom data that you need to update (map each field into a separate column). Map the CSV or Excel file using the Excel/CSV modules, then use the "Update Record" Fusion module to map the Project IDs and custom data from the spreadsheet.
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I'll dig into this. Thank you!!
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Hi Cris,
I would love to know the other solve you had to dynamically update fields for existing fields. Currently we have a custom form that uses a dropdown selection for a value. The value is Wave 01 through Wave 10, if for some reason we had to go over Wave 10 to say Wave 11, I would love a way to update the custom field to have that added to the dropdown value. Is this what you were referring to when you said you had a solve?
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@CrisLDonaldson did you have a solve for the above?
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