Hi - does have anyone have a solution for pushing text from a Salesforce field into a Workfront Rich text field using Fusion? I've been to this page (Rich text fields in the Adobe Workfront API | Adobe Workfront) but I'm not a developer so I need a little more guidance. If anyone would be willing to share I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
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Hi - are you hoping to take formatted text out of Salesforce and have it be formatted text in Workfront? Or just take plain text from SF and write it into a rich text field in WF?
I don't love WF's rich text fields because they don't display correctly in all settings, so we don't use many of them. However, I just jumped into Fusion and they appear to be working the same as any other field through the Workfront > Update a Record module.
We originally were pulling a Salesforce account description/notes field into WF, but we ran into character limits where we needed to build text truncation logic into WF. I think we did that work, but we stopped using it a while back, so I don't remember the details.
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Hi, Jason
I'm just taking plain text from SF and writing it to a rich text field in WF. I'm able to add the rich text field to the scenario but when it runs, it errors out with that field with a 403 Runtime error saying the parameter is invalid. I've been told that we have to create a JSON module and then do a custom API call to get this to work but I'm not a developer and am not as familiar with these types of builds.
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To ask a question, would it be possible to push the values into a simple text string field, instead of a rich text field? With a simple text string it's just setting the field equal to your string.
If it has to be a rich text field, then that's correct, you have to build a JSON string and write that string into the RTF property. Here is a link to an Adobe article covering it.
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