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New to Fusion Integrations/Automations


Level 6

I have experience in Adobe Workfront, now I am interested in learning Workfront Fusion.

Please provide any guidelines or hierarchy concept documents to start with.


Thanks in advance!


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3 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi Nils, 

Fusion is actually very simple. The challenge is 

  • concocting the right filters (in branches, searches, webhooks) and
  • data manipulation with the limited toolset. 

I would start with the Adobe documentation/trainings. Booklearning won't get you far: you have to begin playing with it. 

Off the top of my head, some best practices

  • map out the flow in Mural or similar first. Helps not "coding" yourself in a corner
  • rename all your modules
  • use filters to describe the path (after a router)
  • API explorer is your friend: https://developersupport.workfront.com/page-api-explorer.html
  • Read all about text-mode because most of it applies to the API/Fusion
  • try and leverage getting collections/references, eg. instead of 
    • get projects > iterator > get milestones
      you can do 
    • get projects with their milestones
  • instead of chaining setVariable modules, use setMultipleVariables
  • Know you can copy/paste a module into a text editor - it's just JSON; sometimes nice for editing - you just paste it back in (caveat this WILL change your module number but sometimes it saves time)
  • Use the DevTools (briefcase icon) to see the actual API calls being made by modules. This helps if you need to use a customAPI call when the prefab module is insufficient
  • Try to minimize variable setting in an iterator loop (I've seen a case of 1800 iterations setting 12 variables - slow!)
  • Try to do all the lookups early in the scenario and reference them later
  • Try to have a "settings" variable (setMultiVars) early where you set URLs, IDs etc - avoid hardcoding them in modules


And most of all - have fun! 


Level 6

Thank you so much @Sven-iX 



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