What is the right way to iterate through this structure (which is the output of an HTTP Request)? I want to iterate thru each variantAssayID in each collection of the array:
I tried to use an iterator like this:
Instead of the iterator passing variantAssayID 1, then variantAssayID 2, then variantAssayID 3, the iterator just kept repeating variantAssayID 1 for as many times as there were collections in the array.
Halp, please !?!?!?
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OP here. I figured it out (or at least a workaround). What I did was - in the HTTP Request module, I unchecked the box to Parse JSON, which is what created the "Collections within an Array" structure.
I then took the raw JSON and passed it to a Parse JSON module, which then converted the JSON into bundles instead of collections. From there, I was able to iterate thru the bundles as desired. I can mark this one solved now, but please feel free to offer other ways I could have accomplished what I'd wanted.
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You should just need to put 141.Data in the iterator
Hmmm... I tried that first and it didn't seem to work. If I can free up some time I'll try it again. That certainly would be easier!
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