I would start with a Watch Event module, which watches for new (not updated) issues.
In the next step, use the Misc action module with Document as Record Type and createProof as action.
For the advancedProofingOptions you can use this as orientation:
"stages": [
"name": "TestStage1",
"lockOn": 1,
"position": 1,
"isPrivate": false,
"activateOn": 1,
"recipients": [
"name": "",
"role": 5,
"email": "user@mydomain.com",
"recipient_id": "",
"notifications": 0,
"isPrimaryDecisionMaker": null
"name": "Workfront User Name",
"role": 5,
"email": "usern2@mydomain.com",
"recipient_id": "",
"notifications": 0,
"isPrimaryDecisionMaker": false
"isMandatory": false,
"deadlineDate": null,
"deadlineTime": null,
"isOneApproval": true,
"activateOnDate": null,
"parentPosition": null,
"activateOnDecision": null,
"deadlineCalculateOn": null,
"deadlineBusinessDays": null
"message": "This is a Test",
"subject": "Test using Fusion",
"templates": [],
"hasMessage": true,
"canDownload": true,
"customfields": [],
"hasPublicSharing": true,
"isAutomatedWorkflow": true,
"stageBasedVisibility": 0
Concerning the last step, I am not really sure, how to solve this. If you want to use a proof workflow, there is no possibility to assign a team, as far as I know. Perhaps you can use a Read a record module to get the team members and add them to the advancedProofingOptions using the JSON modules.