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Anyone successful getting a Create Proof Module working with an Automated Proof Workflow?


Level 3

I created a scenario where the document name attached to the project would match the automated proof workflow that I wanted to assign to it. I tried to troubleshoot with customer support and they gave me a blueprint of an example using an HTTP Module, but we don't have access to HTTP modules because our company only has Workfront to Workfront apps.


Is there any way to create a proof without an HTTP module? Attached is a visual of my module layout.2023-05-03_13-26-10.png

4 Replies


Level 1



Yes, there is a way to do it without an HTTP module.  There is a miscellaneous action module within Workfront (not proof) that will allow you to generate a proof from a document.  Here is some basic documentation: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/workfront/using/adobe-workfront-api/tips-troubleshooting-api...




Level 3

I'm aware of that module but was under the impression that only worked with a simplified proof workflow. I'm needing to assign an automated proof workflow template. 


Level 4

wondering, was a solution found?


Level 3

No, I have not been able to solve.