I am trying to end up with a file that has an entry for everytime an overall proof decision was made.
The columns are Project Reference Number, Project Name, Task ID, Parent Task ID, Stage Name, Stage Start Date, Stage End Date.
I've tried several things and run into a problem with each of them. The main thing is I don't see how to just pull a list of proof stages for a date period. The search module is asking for a name, the read is asking for an ID. Is there a way to use the API module to pull a list of proofs I can use to use one of the other modules?
I can listen for the change and get the list going forward, but I need data starting at the beginning of the year.
I also need to write this data out to a file. We can't use Google Docs here, so I'm limited to writing to Excel. When I got too many items to just using the watch and starting with as of yesterday, I'm running into a throttling problem on the Excel side. Is there a way to just create the whole file an then save it, rather than writing line by line?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
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Hi Krissy,
I have a few ideas, but perhaps not the full answer.
First, I should probably provide a disclaimer that Workfront Fusion isn't really designed to serve "reporting use cases". Certainly, as you noted, there are lots of possibilities for those types of things; but that wasn't the intended design principle around it and so, please beware of any such impacts (e.g. a single scenario can never execute for more than 40 minutes).
That said, if I were approaching this:
1. I would use the "Watch Proofs" module looking for overall decision changes. As you noted, the default is to look for overall proof decision changes going forward. But Fusion does offer a unique capability to "go back in time". You can right click on the first module and select "Choose Where to Start".
2. I would use this "back in time" approach one time to create a single CSV file that represents a large chunk of the previous data by using a CSV aggregator, then emailing that to myself or downloading manually and then use that as the basis for my Excel file going forward. That helps me address the Excel API limiting for initial load.
3. For stuff moving forward, I would imagine the Excel API limiting could be managed by the natural flow. I'd probably set it up to check every 5 minutes and make sure I never include more than 10 proofs each time (or something like ).
Not sure if that is all of the secret sauce, but hopefully there is something useful in there. Cheers.
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How do you download the CSV manually?
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You can open the output of the CSV aggregation module, expand it, and select the outputted text and then paste it to a txt file on your local computer.
Another option would be to do a simple "upload to WF" where you upload to your own user object. Hope that helps.
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