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Released: System Admin Maintenance Dashboard



The System Admin Maintenance Dashboard is the new release of the Workfront Cleanup Dashboard and it’s now available in Blueprints. It is purpose-built to optimize one of the Adobe Workfront System Administrators’ necessary but tedious jobs: cleaning up.  


A few things to note: 

  1.  The reports on the dashboard have been built to support the needs of a wide audience and it’s likely that you will need to change report settings and configuration to better meet your organization’s specific needs. This is especially the case when it comes to filtering on status or date/time. In some cases, where you’d expect to see a status-based filter, we may have omitted them entirely.  
  2. You may not need all the reports in your environment, so feel free to remove them. 
  3. Finally, we recommend making copies of these reports before editing in case you want to go back to the original report. 


Learn how to install this dashboard from Blueprints 


Reports Included in the System Admin Maintenance Dashboard: 


  • Projects in Portfolios by Status  
    • Summary: Display the projects within each portfolio and their statuses, grouped by portfolio and those statuses. We suggest deactivating portfolios that have no projects in statuses equating with planning or current. 
  • Projects in Programs by Status  
    • Summary: Display the projects within each program and their statuses, grouped by program and those statuses. We suggest deactivating programs that have no projects in statuses equating with planning or current. 
  • Project Audit  
    • Summary: This report should highlight missing attributes on templates that enable a PM to create projects faster. Attributes such as - Custom Form(s), Resource Pool, Resource Manager(s), Milestone Path, etc. 
  • Projects 100% Complete but NOT in Complete Status  
    • Summary: Identify projects that should potentially be marked complete and are not. To help ensure users are not distracted by excess work data on their dashboards, old projects should be completed or deleted. 
  • Number of Projects by Template  
    • Summary: This can be useful to determine projects with no template or templates with low usage that could potentially be deleted or archived.  Projects in the “No Value” column were created without using a template which may present a governance problem.  Note that this report only captures the first template applied. 
  • Projects 0% Complete - Not Updated in 3 Months  
    • Summary: Identify projects that should potentially be completed or canceled and are not. To help ensure users are not distracted by excess work data on their dashboards, old projects should be completed, deleted, or canceled. 
  • Projects in Planning Status - Not Updated in One Year  
    • Summary: Identify projects in a planning status that may be abandoned. To help ensure users are not distracted by excess work data on their dashboards, old projects should be completed, deleted, or canceled. 
  • Any Active Project Custom Forms No Longer In Use  
    • Summary: The action needed for this report is to review the list and determine if each project custom form should be deactivated. 
  •  Search Projects Associated with Custom Forms  
    • Summary: Display how many projects have been created, grouped by their Custom Form. This can be useful to determine projects with no custom forms or forms with low usage that could potentially be deleted or archived.  Note:  Projects can have multiple custom forms attached.  Groupings will be based on the first custom form attached to the project. 
  • Template Audit  
    • Summary: This report should highlight missing attributes on templates that enable a PM to create templates faster. Attributes such as - Custom Form(s), Schedule, Resource Pool, Resource Manager(s), Document Folder Structure, Milestone Path, Project Approvals, etc. 
  • Request Queue Issues by Queue Topic  
    • Summary: Displays how many issues / requests have been created in the system to date, grouped by their Queue Topic. This can be useful to determine old / unused queue topics that may need to be cleaned up / removed. 
  • Abandoned Request Queues 
    • Summary: This report shows requests queues that have not received requests in the last 6 months. 
  •  Overdue Tasks not Updated in 1+ Weeks  
    • Summary: Identify tasks that should be marked complete and are not. To help ensure users are not distracted by excess work data on their dashboards, old tasks should be completed or deleted.  Feel free to add a filter for Portfolio, Group, or Company to narrow results. 
  • Usage of Task Constraints  
    • Summary: This will give a sense of how schedulers are using Task Constraints. 
  • Unregistered Users (Have Not Logged In)  
    • Summary: This report can be used to identify users that can potentially be deactivated in the system. 
  • Active User Audit  
    • Summary: This report should highlight missing attributes on User Profiles. 
  • Users & Associated Layout Templates  
    • Summary: This report highlights users that do not have a Layout Template, as well as Layout Templates that may be incorrectly assigned based on the user's license type, role, home group, or home team.  Note: Some Layout Templates may be applied using Roles, Groups, Teams, or Companies rather than assigned directly to users. 
  • Pending Document Approvals by Request Date  
    • Summary: This report will find all Document Approvals that are pending an approval. This report can be used to delete approvals no longer needed. Additionally it may reveal an overall problem with the approval process. 
  •  Outstanding Proof Approvals Older Than Three Months  
    • Summary: A list report of pending task approvals. 
  •  Unused Custom Fields Report – For System Admin Use Only 
    • Summary: This report shows which custom fields are not being used in any Custom Forms and could potentially be deleted. 
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