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You can send custom messages to your users with the Announcement Center!




Did you know? You can send custom announcements to the users in your Workfront instance using the Announcement Center!

The Announcement Center is accessed through the notification icon, which is right beside your avatar picture in the global navigation bar. If you are a system administrator, you’ve likely noticed you receive messages directly from Workfront. The icon turns blue to let you know you have unread messages. These announcements tell you about release features, upcoming webinars, and planned maintenance within the system, to name a few. Designated system administrators are the only users who receive these announcements from Workfront.

However, you can share these messages with your users - whether it be all users, a select group or an individual. You can also send custom messages, with announcements important to your organization's work. Let's walk through this.


  1. Click the notifications icon, then click View All Announcements. This opens the announcement center, which looks very much like an email inbox. 
  2. Select the announcement in the list, then click the Forward button and enter the names of the users, groups, teams, or companies to share the message with.
  3. You also can create new announcements to send to the people using your Workfront instance.
  4. In the announcement area, click New Announcement and enter your message content. You can send this message to individual users, groups, or teams. Or just leave “Everyone” in the To field to send it to all licensed users in your Workfront instance.
  5. This is a great way to announce lunch and learn times, general training sessions, new functionality, maintenance of the system, outages, or even new processes that you would like to share with users.

Much like an inbox, you can save announcements as drafts to streamline the experience even further as you move forward.

Other announcement features:

  • Attachments can be added to your announcements, which can be downloaded by recipients.
  • Within the Settings area of the Announcements, manage your Subscription settings. This allows you to filter the messages from Workfront about Training, New Releases, Maintenance Notes, or Feature Highlights.
  • Announcements can be Favorited to allow for easy reference and important information.

We talk with customers all the time who are amazed when the additional functionality in this area is shown to them. So, if you’ve never explored it before, don’t worry, you’re not alone! This is just one of the many features available that you may not be using to the fullest potential. Remember, Workfront is here to help you do your best work!

For more information about announcements in Workfront, see the following articles on experience.workfront.com:


