To prevent saving conditionally the right way is extending SAMLAuthenticationHandler. Other options are implement authentication post processor or listener to remove the property after it is saved.
Hi John,You can configure AEM to both ADFS + OKta. The logic to decide which one among them based on domain needs to be taken care in component that renders the login link. Thanks,
Hi Adarsh,Configure on the IDP not to pass empty attribute Or some default value if it is empty. Otherwise need an custom development effort to extend SAMLAuuthenticationhandler to plugin your additional validation.Thanks,
Hi Sri, If there are session idle for a while then out of the box cleans that session. In general you should open & close session when ever required and should not shared. The stack trace should have details which thread was opening & you can close the same. In case it is OOB check with support...
Hi Narayan, One of the possibility is in case you have some component that has loop algorithm going into infinite causes it. In our case we had custom columns controlsin with column controls and was getting the node count. 6.3 was returning -1 due to index timeout caused the issue & fixed our cod...