You'll need to leverage either the Image Transcoding Library, Camera RAW, ImageMagick, or PDF Rasterizer packages and make the necessary DAM Update Asset workflow model changes to process these file types.
No that guy has no idea what he is taking about.Reverse replication is very simple to set up and conceptually works like this:1) The Author is configured to poll the Publish instances Outbox queue every X period of time (default 30 seconds)This is done by configuring the Reverse Replication agent on...
Dispatcher on Apache in a Windows environment is not supported.Dispatcher will only work on a Linux distroIf you're using a Windows Server you need to use IIS.
Use OakRun to perform a consistentcy check on the lucene index definitions. This will create a report on the file system -- /indexing-result/index-consistency-check-report.txtYou will need a 1.8.x version of the oak-run JAR for thisjava -jar oak-run-1.8.x.jar index --segment --fds-path=crx-quickstar...
Interesting, in the tutorial docs before they were publicly available there was a section that talks about AEMFED (AEM FrontEnd Developer) which is an application that automatically pushes your compiled React app into aem.aemfed -t "http://admin:admin@localhost:4502" -w "./jcr_root"AEMFED will be mo...
In addition to Vish.dhaliwal's answer please familiarize yourself with the extensive repository restructuring that happened in 6.4.Virtually everything was moved out of /etc/Adobe Experience Manager Help | Common Repository Restructuring in AEM 6.4
Everyone is looking at this the wrong way. In AEM 6.3 and 6.4 the client libraries are persisted on the file system. They no longer live under /varUnder one of the bundles (bundle248 on my local) there is an outputcache directory. Within this directory is where the compiled client libraries live. Fo...