XFA based forms only support rotation in 90° steps. To add a diagonal text you have two options:1. Create a background image providing the text you want to display. Place that image on the masterpage and control it's presence with a script. You can use 8-Bit PNG files with transparancy or white back...
Here's a sample to import XML via JavaScript. This method works in Acrobat and Reader as well.https://thelivecycle.blogspot.com/2014/07/import-xml-via-script-into-adobe-reader.html You can also use the Acrobats readFileIntoStream() method to import data from a simple TXT file. You can write its data...
You can use the resolveNodes() method, to create a filtered list of suitable nodes by searching for classNames and other properties. So you'll avoid the null-problem completely. // Filter all field nodes that are not buttons.
var fieldsArray = xfa.form.form1.resolveNodes('#field.[ui.oneOfChild.clas...
You can execute a script to disable the field highlighting of the PDF viewer. app.runtimeHighlight = false; To create a border around the input area of a field use the following script as follows:Textfeld1.ui.oneOfChild.border.edge.color.value = "255,0,0"; // Create a red border
The following code won't work. .access = "hidden"; It's either .presence = "hidden"; // not visible or .access = "readOnly"; // write protected depending on what you're after.
The correct syntax for calling the mailDoc() method from a script in Designer is as follows: event.target.mailDoc({
bUI: true,
cTo: emailTo,
cSubject: emailSubject,
cMsg: emailBody,
cSubmitAs: "PDF"
Hi, I guess a script as the following should to the trick.var nPartTime = page1.subApplicant.ddPartTime.rawValue, //DDL
nProRatedApproved = tblCourse.row9.proRatedApproved.isNull ? 0 : parseFloat(tblCourse.row9.proRatedApproved.rawValue), //green
nReimbApproved = tblCourse.row8.reimbApproved.isNul...
I can't find the find the fields you're mentioned since they are not named as described. Please highlight them in the sample form with a diffent color.
Designer hat einen Skript-Editor, in dem man Skripte für viele unterschiedliche Ereignisse für z.B. Felder in dem Formular hinterlegen kann. Diesen kann man mit [Strg]+[Shift]+[F5] ein- und ausblenden. Zum Ändern der Farbe ein Erreichen und Verlassen des Feldes musst Du im enter und exit Event jewe...