The response you receive is the report ID. Next, you need to do a request with this endpoint: { "reportID": <INSERT-REPORT-ID>}This will give a JSON response, if the report is ready (processed). Otherwise it will give report not ready erro...
The method is incorrect. The correct method is "Report.Queue". Also, can you try with just The "5" is not necessary.Report.Run is for real time report. It is not for Data Warehouse. Thus the request error.
For data warehouse, you need to specify source as warehouse.Try this code:{ "reportDescription":{ "reportSuiteID":"<INSERT-RSID-HERE>", "dateFrom":"2019-08-10", "dateTo":"2019-08-11", "dateGranularity":"day", "source":"warehouse", "metrics":[...
You should not be using the # in the value. It is a special keyword in the URL structure that indicates the start of the anchor. Either use a different delimiter or encode the # value
This is possible currently using classifications.You can use Classification Rule Bullder to automate if the pagename is having a pattern as you have mentioned.