Hi,Thank you for your response. Seems the example given is for touch UI but I am looking for classic UI support.Can you please tell me, how to read a node under jcr:content from either javascript or jsp?Thanks,Kishore
Seems multifield may not be the best option for me. What I was looking for, have a single dropdown and rich text box in a dialog. The dropdown values are configurable as options for selection xtype. Based on the value selected in dropdown, a value to be read from a content node and populate in Rich ...
Thank you. This is very much helpful.However I still need to understand how to get a node value (which is under content/mypage/jcr:content/mynode) through javascript.For instance my dropdown has two values (value1 and value2) and if select value1 should read 'mynode' value and assign it to the text ...
Hi,I have requirement to design a page with two controls 1. drop down list 2. Rich text box.The rich text box value is dependent on selected drop down value. I.e Based on the drop down selected item, a node value (under content/mypage/jcr:content) to be read into the rich text box.I understand from ...
Hi Kautak,Thanks for your response.I have gone through the link that you have provided but I observe the multi filed data is storing as a string array as you mentioned. Unfortunately this doesn't work for me. Because the (content) data that we generate will be consumed by some other front-end applic...
Hi,I am new to AEM and working on a multi field component development. when we click on 'Add Item', it opens a form with configured filed where we fill and save them. These values will be stored under Content as a node [Each multi-field stored as a separate node]. I would like to understand the logi...