Hi, We want to achieve auto-suggest search box, suggestion should be obtained through search and promote. And suggestion is restricted to particular pages.Can you guide. Thanks,Nikunj
Hi, Can we customize result to display from search and promote?(Ex: If we need to display result based on stock status or customize result based on popularity)How can this be achieved through search and promote? Can you provide complete steps to achieve the same. Thanks,Nikunj
Hi Scott, I have referred this document, what i am looking for is creating and mapping of facet, metadata and index connector with the web site. Thanks,Nikunj
Hi, How do we map and create facet and metadata for our website inside Search and promote dashboard?Is there any documentation on complete search and promote, from fetching website information to create a metadata and then getting the feed for the same? Thanks,Nikunj
Hi, Can we test global variables declared in javascript inside HTML with the help of data-sly-test command? I have set a var xtest = false inside javascript and have used following statement inside HTML: <div data-sly-test.abcvar = "${xtest}">hello</div>.But hello text is displayed in all scenario. ...
Hi, 1. How do i fetch user's location (ie latitude and longitude) from the geolocation OOTB component in jsp? (Used following command: CQ_Analytics.ClientContextMgr.clientcontext.geolocation.latitude But no value was fetched). 2. How do we change browser (ie use of emulator) with the help of cli...
Hi,How do we implement Ajax call (i.e updating page information without reloading the page) in AEM?Is it done in the similar fashion as it was done in java script or some other aem component, to achieve this, is used? Thanks,Nikunj
Hi, How do we implement mobile site in AEM?Do we make use of only media queries or some mobile template is provided for the same or we develop two sites(one for desktop and other for mobile)? Can you explain the strategy used for developing geometrixx-outdoors for mobile and how is geometrixx-outdoo...