We are experiencing strange issue with the website. We set of cookies that are rendering fine on PROD without httpOnly and without secure flag. Same cookies are rendering opposite to this on Stage server. We have verified everything on Akamai and Dispatcher level but could not find any difference in...
Agree. But the reason I posted this here is I need to know if having blueprint for the site is mandatory or not? I can provide more information if you need to.
Hi Team, We have multi tenant website structure requirement and here is how we are planning to do it: The tenant has both language copy and normal live-copy requirement where content will be rendered only in English but can be modified later. I believe both structure are correct but I need someone f...
Hi smacdonald2008 ,On which AEM version you have tried this? This is not working for me on AEM 6.2 CFP3. In the article as well they have given it for AEM 6.3Also, can send your inplace config xml, so I can compare mine with the same.
Hi smacdonald2008 ,I have tried doing the same and was not able to add color picker inside the table component in place editing dialog. And as a workaround, I came up with another solution to adding custom fields inside the cq:dialog and manipulating them through jsoup api before loading it on the p...
smacdonald2008 wrote... I would personally use WCMUsePojo and bind to a data member. But if you want to use only front-end - here is the spec with all the syntax: https://github.com/Adobe-Marketing-Cloud/htl-spec/blob/master/SPECIFICATION.md Thanks Mac for the reply.I have been through this site...
Hi,How to get absoluteParent or absolutePath in sightly without using use script and wcmuse class ?I want to simply get the page path till homepage from any child page and want append my custom path. It should be something like . ${currentPage.getAbsoluteParent.path} by passing int as a level of pa...
vsmacdonald2008 wrote... When creating an AEM project- start by building a project using AEM Archetype 10 project: https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/first-arch10.html You will see a lot of default files that you can look at. The article explains most of them. As you get deeper into ...
What could be the best project design that's need to be followed while working in AEM ? Do we have any proper document available on this ?As i have a requirement of new project and below are my doubts:-- We should have page-component and template for each and every page, even if header and footer is...