Check your file -> print menu
See if that is setup now in portrait then try and change it.
The browser is typically controlled by Print setting setup so try changing it then try resending the report.
Great point Jen...
Sophie if you want to see if your base report is too big try doing a control p of the browser with dashbaord on it see what sort of scaling is required to make it fit.
That could help you scale width down to fit more in line with an A4/letter size.
ok no worries this is good as part of troubleshooting...
Know Im asking alot but, can you try from a different PC?
I suspect its your windows printer settings may have some sort of auto size command...
Be great to rule out any PC setting this way.
You may also want to look at activity map tracking.
1 no extra dev work out of box
2 can allow you to do advanced mappings links/regions reporting
3 allows you to due near realtime (basic heatmaps) on page vis browser extension
Then just use custom links when coding/pae doesnt auto track activit...
This is not unusual and sadly more common than people realize. I like to call it a sort of click fraud.
You mention its not about ads so its important to note are the links clicked truly viewed by user links or links multi scrolls down? Make sure you tag each CTA relevantly to allow you to differe...