Is there a way to programmatically disable a workflow model so that workflow instances are not created for certain assets?For example if there are some assets ingested for which i dont want to initiate a workflow or on some of the servers, on startup if i can programmatically disable the update_asse...
Thanks for your inputs Opkar.@Mark thanks for sharing your experience. From the documentation, AEM 6.2 does only supports JRE 1.8. Feel free to share thoughts once you are done....
Thanks @smacdonald2008It just talks about the crx2oak migration. I am specifically looking for any experience or documentation around moving from 6.x to 6.2.
All,We are currently on AEM 6.1 and are planning to move to AEM 6.2... We wanted to find out if there are folks who have upgraded from AEM 6.1 to 6.2 and have any experiences to share. Especially any issues or things to watch out for. I couldnt find any specific documentation related to 6.1 to 6.2 u...
Thanks Opkar..This looks like it. It states - "can easily convert documents created within the organization to Adobe PDF files that can be viewed using the ubiquitous Adobe Reader® software."Thanks for sharing the links. Looks promising. I will look for LiveCycle like APIs for pdf conversion since i...
Word doc and other MIME types into pdf. I have a list actually :GIF, ONG, JPEG, TIFF, BMP, doc, docx, rtf, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, txt/plain, txt/html, txt/csv, txt/tab separated, eml, Pdf
So, based on the suggestions in this thread, i went ahead to download LiveCycle trial. But it seems all the LiveCycle feature are now accommodated in AEM. same dependable features that you have come to appreciate in LiveCycle are now ava...
@Opkar Gill That's true. Thanks a lot clarifying. I was investigating and found the same. Its a standalone server that needs to be installed in order to use the Document services.I presumed that LiveCycle was bundled with AEM.I wonder what the com.adobe.pdfg.service.api.GeneratePDFService is then?M...
I checked for GeneratePDFService in Components and Services and it was present. I assumed that LiveCycle services are running since GeneratePDFService is part of the SDK. Here's the service from service section :[com.adobe.pdfg.service.api.GeneratePDFService] ...