Hobbes can test your page in edit mode and also on Author. Hobbes can handle almost all cases, like testing a page on edit mode, published mode etc. The documentation is quite handy. Hobbes has almost all API to handle any test case.
Hobbes will help you in writing test cases that are specific to AEM pages. It is very similar to JUnit and easy to learn. Selenium happens to be the future of AEM testing, So, if you are starting afresh, I would recommend you to use Selenium
Did you try to rebuild the clientlibs from the same url? Which version of AEM are you using? Try creating the va/clientlibs folder yourself from crx/de and try again
Do you get any error in th error.log file while the packages are being installed from the install folder? What type of files are being ommited? Ideally, you should first install AEM insead of creating folders yourself. Once AEM is installed, create the install folder and dump your packages in it.