hi thank you for trying to help me.All components of this projects have:<jsp:useBean id="ouritem" scope="page" class="package.components.....Component"></jsp:useBean><jsp:setProperty name="ouritem" property="slingRequest" value="<%=slingRequest %>"/>
then inside JSP ${ouritem.downloadText} in Java: public class ......Component extends AbstractComponent {.......... public String getDownloadText() { //return getStringProperty("jcr:textAsset"); int fileSize = 0; String filePathName = getDownloadUrl(); String fileType = filePathName.sub...
Hi,It is one of components Java bean class.I access to the web page via WCM in localhost:4502 and I see the component, but the file size is shown as 0.00kbButI don't see any log.I've used System.out.println("") too.
oh not mine was:private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); I added this, compiled and deployed. but it is still not writing log.should i restart?
as far as I can see the core bundle is present inhttp://localhost:4502/system/console/bundleshttp://localhost:4502/system/console/osgi-installerI need to show a DAM asset file size in 1 of my components. So I pass here URL as for example /content/dam/project_name/<path>/filename.pdf private int g...
hi... yes i am using it. but it is not printing to adobe error.log and this java class is in <package>.components what do you mean by component in OSGI?