If you are referring to the project https://github.com/adobe/aem-sample-we-retail-journal I havent seen any issue ( aem 6.4 + sp2)What I am wondering is your bundles are not in active state for we.retail journal, can you double check them?
1. Can you attach the package for community?2. Did you try Troubleshooting steps herehttps://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/kt/sites/using/getting-started-wknd-tutorial-develop/part6.html#Troubleshooting
Customer is not able to use ACS commons due to some restriction on their end.For any upgrade, best would be structure your content with 6.4 practices having minor efforts in place
That the default product implementation to create nodes for multifield data. One approach has been already suggested to you for ACS commons but it seems you cant install it.Another approach which I have seen some folks following to tackle this problem it to1. Update your code to read from node inste...
Not sure if that's the design behavior for text greater than length, would request you to reach out to daycareHere is the URL https://daycare.day.com/home.html
Additionally you can also refer to the official document to apply a workflow on multiple assetshttps://helpx.adobe.com/in/experience-manager/6-3/assets/using/assets-workflow.html#Applyingaworkflowtomultipleassets