Your question is not clear (at least to me)What is limitread? Are you referring to some OOTB exception?Can you try to rephrase your question probably with some code snippet / example, you may get a better answer in that case.
URL mentioned by you is http:.//localhost:4503/crx/server does not seems to be correct (not sure if extra . (dot) is added by forum)Also, can you mentioned what you are trying to access from repository of that server?
Referencing AEM 6.3These fields are defined at path/libs/dam/cfm/admin/content/createfragment/jcr:content/body/items/form/items/wizard/items/properties/items/tabs/items/basic/items/column/items/info/itemsYou can overlay this path and add more fields
The one in the screenshot are property types in AEM but I think the one you are looking for are resourcetype for fields in AEMHere is the granite document https...
This is not the exact code which you would need but should help you to proceed.import;import;import;import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component;import org.slf4j.Logger;import ...
Its Classic UI multifield, so I am assuming you would have written custom widget.The format in which you want to store values can always be customized in setValue method.
Two questions:1. What you want expected output to be.2. You are seeing in issue in 6.3 or 6.1 ( I am not clear on last statement "The above code appends an index 0,1 and so on for each node created in AEM 6.3 but doesn't add the index in AEM 6.1.")