Hi Community Members,I am Radhika, I am working as a Senior AEM Developer with Sapient Razorfish and having experience in CMS systems like AEM, Oracle UCM and Jahia.Glad to be a part of this community Regards,Radhika
Hello Everyone, I am Radhika and I have been working in AEM from last 3 years now and in CMS from almost 8 years. I would like to learn and comtribute in AEM community and glad to be a part of this. Thanks Radhika
Hi Tiago,We are also facing issues while compaction and facing issue with segmentstore. We are using oak version 1.2.16.jar .When we executed below step :3. Run this command:java -jar oak-run-*.jar check -d1 --bin=-1 -p crx-quickstart/repository/segmentstore/The search ended and it gave "no good rev...
Hi All,Apologies for delay in response.In order to resolve this issue we got reply from adobe to install SP2 and installed hotfix shared by them. We also got an update from Adobe engineering team that the issue is fixed in AEM 6.3/Radhika
Hi Smac, docs are correct but I am just sharing my findings which may be wrong and i need suggestion on what should be the right way to acheive this akamai purge through apis.
Hi All,Our Environment Setup We have a window's service named as "Akamai Purger" which will use the java module that checks for changes in the file system and sends purge requests to Akamai. In addition to this the main purpose of the cache-flusher is to detect when a file is deleted due to content ...
We are facing one strange issue with Live copy pages cancel inheritance on AEM 6.1 touch UI. Steps we followed1. Created live copy for /content/ site/sv/2016 from /content/ site/en/2016 (English site).2. Now create one page manually under /content/ site/sv /2016.3. Open page pro...