I often find myself using processing rules to fix occasions of where DTM Rules fails, or to make a change faster than I can edit/create rules in DTM. In that light, a connection between the two, event if it's just a library in DTM that I can use to look up Processing Rules.
I don't think all events need be fired in the custom code as long as you use s.events =+ ",event[x]=2". but I agree, it would be nice to set an event with a value other than 1.
I like this idea, wish I had thought of it. I often find myself exporting every, or most reports within a workspace, a batch report, especially into a single file with multiple tabs, would be a time saver.
I like the idea of categorization. I just found a use case. We have something (I suspect a processing rule) that is altering data I see in the debugger, I haven't found the rule yet because I can't just search my rules for the variables affected (granted the new Conditional Actions - if executed pro...
My drop down is rarely in alphabetical order and doesn't seem like it's in order of creation either, it always seemed to me to be close to (but never exactly) in order of which report suite was used most recently.