Hello All,I am trying to add class property to granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/form/textarea resource type in .content.xml file but the class is not reflecting in the front end?But when I add class to granite/ui/components/foundation/form/textfield resource type the class is reflecting in the...
Hello All,Is there a way we can add alt-text to images authored in RTE in AEM 6.2 ?I have tried the below solution from community. But looks like it is for AEM 6.1.Experiencing Adobe Experience Manager - Day CQ: AEM 61 - Touch UI Rich Text Editor (RTE) Browse and Insert Image When I try to use the s...
Hello All,We are getting the below issue in our dev environment.HTTP ERROR: 503Problem accessing /crx/de/index.jsp. Reason:What are the possible solutions to resolve this?One solution we know is to delete the "index" folder under 'auhor\crx-quickstart\repository" and restart the instance.Is it risky...
Hello Team,I have created a custom workflow component that takes input in the workflow model. I want to start this workflow without payload. Is there a way to do that ?
Hello Team,Is writing a Process Step better or writing a ECMA scripts in AEM workflows ?Further, How can I see the log statements that are written in ECMA scripts in workflows? Thanks,Vish
Hello Team,I am facing exactly same problem as above. I am thinking to re--index my repository but I am unable to access crx/de..It says service unavailable.How do I move forward ?Thanks,Vish