You should leverage This way, you use config to disable rather than manually doing so.
Is your question, how to migrate from current data store to a different datastore type?If you dont want versions, you can replicate to another instance with a different datastore.
What is your usecase. Injecting child resource is possible. Please refer to injection for child resources works by injecting grand child resources (since Sling Models Impl 1.0.6). For example, the class@Model(adaptables=Resource.class)pu...
Please keep in mind,that this limit in number of concurrent uploads is limited by the browser and not AEM. The defaults that I know are Firefox-6, Ie6/7 - 2 , Ie8-6.
Inheritance across templates is not possible with design dialog. You have to use a different approach for that. I do not understand your question on i18n. Please explain.