Feike Visser wrote... Can you upgrade your maven version? I am using 3.3.9 HI Feike, Now i started getting a different error after maven upgrade and build.[ERROR] E:\MY-Work\testporj\osgiexample\core\src\main\java\osgiexample\core\servlets\MyDataProviderServlet.java [1:1]: Class has more than one c...
smacdonald2008 wrote... Can you build SimpleServlet following this article: https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/first-arch10.html HI Scott, am using the same archetype10 structure created project. And worte the servlet. as shown below code snippet.@SuppressWarnings("serial") @SlingSe...
Hi There,am using the below plugins to build my project. and one of my servlet is getting the below error. have any one faced the same issue before.?<plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId> <version>3.2</version> </plugin> <plugin> <groupId>...
Your method handles POST and the request from the URL will be by default GET try any Chrome plugins like POSTMAN to do the request by POST method to test.
Go to the below link for the AEM certifications that are available to write.https://training.adobe.com/certification/exams.html#p=1&solution=adobeExperienceManager&product=adobe-cqLink to AEM 6 Developer : https://training.adobe.com/certification/exams/aem_6_0_developer.htmlSAMPLE Exam : https://tra...
Hi Kkkrish,As Daniel mentioned this should work, i have used it in one of my POC learnings, have uploaded the code at my github for your reference.@Reference(target = "(service.label=TESTCALL)")~VAr
Hi Appu,Please find the Attached draft version of the AEM Desktop Usage guide. which you can find a blog soon on https://aemvardhan.wordpress.com/.~VAr