You can use maven front end plugin which actually runs the grunt or gulp tasks based on configuration. For example if you want to use scss in your project, just after compiling scss to css move this files from your repository to using grunt task. Its better ...
Inside servlet use HTTPClient (from apache commons) api to hit 3rd party url and get the data. If you response is in JSON format use JSONObject or JSONArray objects (from sling commons) and inject the response to the constructors of those objects. From those json objects you get the values by passi...
You can adaptTo() /content/geometrixx-outdoors' but you have to change @Named("jcr:title") to some property which is there at that particular node for example jcr:created or jcr:createdBy or jcr:primaryType. Because there is no property called jsc:title at /content/geometrixx-outdoors if u try to a...
Hi The possible reasons for not working 1. Please check in your felix console system/console/adapters whether your adapter is available or not. If it is not available you have to make sure to add the <sling-models></sling-models> this to your maven bundle plugin so that your sling models...
As teaser component is deprecated in AME 5.6.0 I tried to implement the same using Target component in AME 6.0 and everything seems to be working fine. But when i tried the same in AEM 6.1 experiences are not resolved based on segmentation. I have googled for hotfix and found hotfix-6570 (Fix relate...
For our current project implementation, we are storing response data from the WebService(SOAP and REST) in HTTPSession object and making use of it when ever necessary in both Java and UI layer. The data stored in the HTTPSession object is complex in Nature for example Customer(which has all the pers...
Hi Ramya,You can use regular expression in javascript to replace all the tags ( like <html>,<p>,<script>) with null ("") before assigning it to a variable. I think there is no OOTB implementation for this.regards,Kalyan venkat
In the clustered environment (multiple publish instances) Sticky load balancing/Sticky session has to maintained due to the fact that user requests across a set of servers should be in such a way that requests from a given user are consistently sent to the same server.Now recently I have come acros...
Is there any out of the box implementation to act AEM as IDP for another application by SAML. I have googled about this and found there is OOTB configuration for AEM to act as a service provider (SP). Please provide information or references to make AEM as IDP so that the users in the AEM are author...