When we are running our automated UI tests the following survey is popping up every now and then which kills the UI test and is slowly driving us all mad Is there a way to disable this for the entire instance or failing that for a specific user? I can't get it to show when I actually log on to the t...
I'm trying to enable targeting of components in a page. Our page has two parsys which are different components. One is allowing components to be targeted the other is not. If i put component X in parsys A then I can target, if i move to parsys B then I can not. I can't work out why! What controls if...
We are implementing our first Sling job to ensure a certain task will be processed. The question I have however is how can I monitor the queue e.g. check how deep the queue is or how many jobs have had to be retried or have exhausted there retry count and ideally a log of all those jobs that failed ...
So I don't mean to hide from the customer on the frontend but rather hide the page in the Sites screen. In the screenshot below I want to hide the two extra entertainment pages as they are just required for the A/B testing system I am building. In the classic UI this was easy but like I say, I can't...
Is there a way to hide a page in the sites view, in the classicUI I could just add the property "hidden" to jcr:content of the page but this does not look to take effect in the TouchUI, still works fine in classic (testing on AEM 6.3)
I've had to pause this for the time being and just include the code in our main "Site" project rather than split it out as I wanted due to time constraints. I was trying to also use Cognifide Slice as well which might be causing some issues. Hopefully I can get some time to revisit this.