Hi @a807186 , Please post your query under AEM Forms Community- https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager-forms/ct-p/adobe-experience-manager-forms-community
Hi @mewan86 , I see you already have resource resolver then why you are trying to get resource from request, you can simply use something like below- Resource resource = serviceRes .getResource("<PATH of CONTENT>");
Hi @tasunil1 , Start the debugger in your local, put debugger point at line number 159 in EventPublishUtil.java. There should be some object which is null and some operation is being performed on the same object. Also, please use Optional wherever applicable instead of handling NullPointerException....
Hi @krist_wang , If your question is how to add the highlighted card in the header for each navigation then I believe you must be having a header/navigation component (HTL) where you must have a placeholder/DIV for the left section fragment if not then you need to put write logic as per the business...
Hi @Shardendu_Jha , It is not supported in AEM 6.5. Below thread explains other options to be considered- https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager-assets/aem-6-5-assets-support-for-webp-images/td-p/558466 Thanks,Ritesh Mittal
Hi @asarafali ,I see there is a ClassNotFoundException and assuming you are getting this error in eclipse, try following and see if either of them resolves the issue- 1. Try using latest version of eclipse, which might help overcoming JUNIT libraries issue.2. Try below threads-https://stackoverflow....
Hi @wei_lyu , Might be because the cache is taking place from the default OSGi configuration for publish instances using graphqlCacheControl attribute. Please check- https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/content/headless/graphql-api/persisted-queries.html?lang=en#c...
Hi @aemUser2345 , You can use below SQL2 query to search the folders- SELECT * FROM [nt:base] AS s WHERE ISDESCENDANTNODE([/content/dam/we-retail/en]) and [jcr:primaryType] = 'sling:OrderedFolder' And, can limit the results by setting the query limit-query.setLimit(6); Thanks,Ritesh Mittal
Hi @LokeshTripathi , There is no such limitation for local AEM SDK, we should be able to update HTL on the go. Try incognito window once or setting up the AEM instance again. BTW, what kind of project setup do you have, React/Angular?
Hi @srajput-woolies , It seems the natural ordering is being applied by default. Is it possible you can apply sorting based on some attribute you are going to fetch from theses nodes as per business requirement? Another solution is to run the query on each node and then add the result. Thanks,Ritesh...