Hi @ducpm196 , As per my wild guess, It happens when more then one JAR contains the same class in them. Can you please share more logs after this exception.
Hi @Satish2info , This is the feature of product. While uploading assets in DAM, we can rename the asset, there itself you can remove the extension (though removing extension might corrupt the asset, as in why to have asset without extension)-
Hi @Shivanigoyal , Need more information in order to help you. Can you share logs when you get the auth error. Also, which folder you are talking about that you are creating?
Hi @Gowtham_ford , I did not get your question quite clearly. Did you mean, if you can enable pdf viewer component authoring just for Classic UI by adding dialog? Then the answer is yes, we can extend any core component and can add new features (including dialog/ CQ dialog for Touch UI).
Hi @rasheed445 , AEM WKND Sites project has dependency on AEM Core components as mentioned below- https://github.com/adobe/aem-guides-wknd You need to install WCM core components-https://github.com/adobe/aem-core-wcm-components Reference-https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-co...
Hi @yashaswidotiya , If I have understood your requirement correctly then you can use context='html' to output markup. Like below- ${properties.title @context='html'} Reference-https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-htl/using/htl/expression-language.html?lang=en
@TB3dock We get NumberFormatException, which is an unchecked exception when String cannot be converted to a number type.You can check either through debugger or put logger to check value of "$[secret:elasticsearch/port]".
Hi @nj2 , I do not see any value assignment to baos variable inside getJSONFromPSPPPage method. ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStrea Above will give you empty baos object, which you are trying to convert to String with UTF-8 encoding so it will be empty too. So it it does not look...
Hi @gauravtyagi , If your application is not accessible (time out), then it's mostly a security group issue. Just check if you have attached any SG with your EC2 instance that blocks the inbound/outbound traffic. The default SG has all inbound traffic blocked and all outbound traffic is allowed. Al...
Hi @Codelime , It means your Sling Model is not up. This time its because of Injection is null but anytime you can follow below options to debug 1. http://<HOST:PORT>/system/console/status-slingmodels and search for your Sling model, it should be there if everything is fine. 2. Just put @Component a...