Seems like you are using a textfield with a text object. If the user enters the data inside the text field then it will overlap with the text object. You need to give enough space for the textfield for the data entered by the user. It will behave like this only. To enter dynamic data inside the text...
I can see only this script variable in your form, you can select this and remove all the lines from the script editor, then it will be deleted from the form.
Use this: the first line was for your reference: if (this.rawValue == "1") {xfa.resolveNode("form1.Page1.sect2.contractorTxt.value.#text").value = "Purchaser";xfa.resolveNode("form1.Page1.sect3.Name.caption.value.#text").value = "Name of Purchaser";xfa.resolveNode("form1.Page1.sect3.Address.caption....